Preoperative Care

Preparing Your Child Before Dental Treatment

Our goal is to create a positive experience for your child in a compassionate and fun environment. Everything we do is with that goal in mind. We ask for your help to make your child’s appointment comfortable and successful.

Talking to your child about their visit

  • Parents and Caregivers often try to ‘help’ by preparing their children about what goes on during a dental treatment visit. Yet, we find that this can sometimes add unintended anxiety for your child. Our team is exceptionally skilled at describing procedures in an honest, yet kid-friendly way. Everything will be explained by our staff before and during treatment.
  • Let us know any unique character and personality traits that will help us best work with your child one-on-one.
  • Parents and caregivers must remain at our office during the entire visit.

Fillings, Crowns, and Extractions

Brush and floss well for 3-4 prior days prior. We can do the best treatment when teeth are clean and gums are healthy. Brushing only the night before is good too, but gums are more irritated and inflamed.

Nitrous Oxide

  • Consume a light and easily digestible meal prior to the visit to minimize nausea and vomiting.
  • To prevent postoperative discomfort, consider Ibuprofen 30 minutes prior to the appointment. Please follow the instructions on the back of the bottle.

Oral Sedation and General Anesthesia

  • No food or drink is permitted 8 hours prior to the appointment. This includes no gum and hard candy.
  • Don’t brush teeth the morning of in case your child swallows some water. Or, you can dry brush without any toothpaste.
  • Dress in loose comfortable clothing. We will be placing monitors, so no clothing that covers fingers and toes.
  • You must have reliable transportation to and from the appointment. It’s not safe to use public transportation, taxi, or Uber. Please plan your transportation appropriately.
  • Arrange childcare for your other children so you can focus on your child before and after the appointment.
  • Do not take your child to school or daycare after the appointment. They will need your undivided attention for the rest of the day.