Resource Hub

Can Kids Have Receding Gums?

Can Kids Have Receding Gums?

Most parents assume receding gums only occur in older adults. Unfortunately, it can happen much earlier than you might think. Whether you’re looking...

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Which Type of Filling Is Best?

Which Type of Filling Is Best?

When most people think of fillings, they picture a mouth full of metal. Fortunately, at Stellar Kids Dentistry, your family has options. Gone are...

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How Quickly Can A Cavity Form?

How Quickly Can A Cavity Form?

It’s impossible to know if your child has a cavity without visiting the dentist. With state-of-the-art offices in Mukilteo, Mill Creek, and Everett,...

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5 Reasons Why Baby Teeth Matter

5 Reasons Why Baby Teeth Matter

At Stellar Kids Dentistry in Mukilteo, Mill Creek, and Everett, Washington, our dentists know how important it is to care for your child's teeth at...

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